Picked up some fabric in the remnants bin at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago. Loved the hot pink minky, but only had a quarter yard. I found a full yard of the striped fabric and was hoping I could come up with something fun for Miss S.
After reading through several DIY blogs for Taggie blankets, I found this
one that seemed to be the best. I find a good DIY post includes enough pictures that reading the instructions is simply only necessary if I run into a snag! Thankfully, Larissa at
Just Another Day in Paradise has done all the hard work!

I quickly took my striped fabric into my gift wrapping room (aka, the lonely laundry room) and found some ribbons that would work beautifully! I cut each of mine 3" long. (I think 3" is better when you have to baste and then stitch the fabrics together, plus Miss S really loves her long tags!) I also ironed them in half. Most bloggers didn't touch on this invaluable step!

I cut 13" squares from my remnants and basted the ribbons onto the stripped fabric with 1/4" seam. Then I stitched the minky and striped fabrics together (right sides facing each other) with a 1/2" seam. Make sure to leave a 2" openning for easy turning. I like to back stitch where I start and stop with the machine to ensure I don't pull any stitches when turning the fabrics right side out. Finally, I stitched a nice border around the edges to hold in any taggies that get loved on a bit too much!
The project took about 20 minutes to make two. The minky fabric was a bit tricky to sew with because it had more stretch than the striped, thus the importance of pinning when using stretch!
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