Project Breakdown:
Step 1: Go Shopping!
- Purchase cape fabric. I went to Hobby Lobby where they have 52" wide satin for $3/yd. I purchased 1 yd in four fabrics. This was enough to make TWO capes in each color.
- Purchase decorative fabric for the symbols. The sequins and lame were $6-7/yd. I purchased a 1/4 yd in each color, but could have gotten away with 1/8 yd. I've got plenty left over for other projects in the future.
- Purchase some iron-on adhesive. I got the Heat & Bond Lite, 1 yd for $3.50 --- this is the most expensive item, so I recommend using the 40% off coupon!
- Purchase 1/2" wide velcro. I would strongly suggest the SEW-ON, not adhesive if you plan to sew. I learned the hard way that adhesive velcro doesn't require pinning but it does gunk up your needle and messes up the tension on your machine.
Step 2: Prepare Your Capes!
- Fold your fabrics in half.
- Layer the two fabrics you plan on sewing together and pin. You will cut both fabrics at the same time - 4 layers!
- Cut bottom edge of fabric for a nice crisp line. (I used my rotary cutter!)
- From the bottom cut edge, measure up 28".
- Cut neck. (I created a pattern using some old tissue paper. I made the back of the neck 3.5" long and the hypotenuse 7" at a 30 degree angle --- again, I used the handy rotary mat with these lines premarked.)
- Cut out neck straps. I just eye-balled about 1" and started cutting. When I got close to the neck line, I started to curve my cut.
- Finish cutting the cape. Because you are cutting both fabrics at the same time, you don't have to be perfect. I simply cut as close to the selvage as I could. At the very bottom, I went back and rounded the edges of the capes for a bit of flare. (Of course, now I am thinking that a square edge would have been much easier to sew, but the round edge will just give me a bit more experience!)
- Find your symbols/emblems online or make them yourself. I used Google images and looked for black and white images related to Star Wars and found the Rebellion symbol and X-Wing. For the shield with the letter and lightening bolt, I created the images in Publisher.
- Print images on 8.5"x11" paper and cut out.
- Trace REVERSE/WRONG SIDE UP of images onto adhesive. (They MUST BE REVERSE in order for them to appear correct on the final project!)
- Cut out traced images.
Step 4: Iron-Cut-Iron-Sew Time!
- Turn iron on to medium heat with NO STEAM. - Place bumpy side of traced adhesive FACE DOWN on the decorative fabric. (The paper side should be face up.)
- Iron over paper side of adhesive for 2-6 seconds. (There are directions printed on whatever type of adhesive you purchased.)
- Cut out your adhesive + decorative fabric.
- Peel off the paper side of adhesive and place FACE DOWN onto cape fabric.
- Iron over decorative fabric (adhesive facing down) on cape for 2-6 seconds.

- Place two capes RIGHT SIDES IN on top of each other and pin.
- Straight or zig zag the two capes leaving a 2" gap somewhere.
- Turn your capes right side out. - Ladder stitch the gap closed.
- Sew on 1" pieces of velcro on the neck straps. (Of course, you could always do this step earlier to hide the stitching.)
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