We walked through her house and I picked out shades of green that I liked. I took a towel and some names of other colors she had picked out, but I was unsuccessful at Lowes. I ended back up at Ace, my fav, where I told them the entire round-about story of my color woes. The paint guy told me he wouldn't sell me any more big cans until after I tried some smaller cans first. I picked up Sherwood Green and Wedgewood Grey. By the time I got home, I realized that I liked the Grey color more so I should probably save it for a bigger space (like my dining room...one day). Here are some of the latest pictures. I am hoping to do a travel theme!
Here's some inspiration links: Wall Clocks with times of places that we've been (i.e., Eisenach, Germany), Vintage Post Cards banner or framed, and I would love to get some crown moulding to top it off.
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